2021 Next Big Thing: Change Management
By Farayi Chipungu, M. Ashraf Lakhani, Jill Weber
May 18, 2021 | 35 minute episode
Marketing Management and Leadership Change Management Content Type Podcast Additional Options Content Level: Essential Content Level: Advanced Firm Size: Small Firm Size: Medium Firm Size: Large
Episode: 78
Series: Next Big Thing in Legal
Episode Description:
Tune in to the latest LMA Podcast focused on the 2021 Next Big Thing Initiative (NBT), change management. In this episode, NBT Co-Chairs Jill Weber and Ashraf Lakhani sit down with Harvard Law School Executive Education’s Farayi Chipungu to learn how law firms can respond to a market that is demanding change, and how legal marketers at all levels can affect meaningful change.
Farayi Chipungu, Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and Faculty Chair for Leading Change for Lawyers at Harvard Law School Executive Education
Ashraf Lakhani, Chief Business Development and Marketing Officer at Porter Hedges LLP
Jill Weber, Chief Business Development Officer at Quarles & Brady LLP
Series Description:
Each year, LMA and subject matter experts come together to identify the "Next Big Thing" in legal marketing. The Next Big Thing in Legal series discusses the latest topics influencing your role as a legal marketing and business development professional.
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