Key Differences Between a CGO and a CMO in a Law Firm

Key Differences Between a CGO and a CMO in a Law Firm

By Ben Chiriboga, Esq.
August 31, 2023 | 3-minute read
Marketing Management and Leadership Management of Individual Personnel Firm Organizational Structure and Dynamics Content Type Infographic
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Understanding the distinction between a chief growth officer (CGO) and a chief marketing officer (CMO) is crucial for law firm leadership to effectively strategize and optimize their business growth. While the CMO focuses on crafting marketing campaigns and brand positioning, the CGO takes a broader approach, encompassing business development, client acquisition and overall revenue generation. Clear comprehension of these roles empowers law firms to make informed decisions and foster a well-rounded growth strategy for sustainable success, especially when it comes to hiring.

Ben Chiriboga, Esq.

Ben Chiriboga is a marketing and business development legal industry operator, advisor and commentator. As chief growth officer at Nexl, Ben helps law firms evolve their go-to-market strategies to survive and thrive. Ben has spoken to global audiences about legal growth at LegalGeek, FutureLawyer US, LMA, Legal Sales & Service Organization and the New Zealand Bar Association, and his work has been profiled in ArtificialLawyer, Legal Business World News, LegalSites and other publications. Connect with Ben on LinkedIn.